Iffe Lundberg har bekræftet sin status som free agent efter at have taget afsked med Virtus Bologna.
Den 29-årige guard delte sine følelser og refleksioner om sin afsked i en besked på sin Instagram-konto torsdag.
I sit opslag udtrykte Lundberg taknemmelighed for sin tid med den italienske klub og meddelte sin begejstring over at søge sin næste udfordring i sin karriere.
Iffe optrådte i fire NBA-kampe med Phoenix Suns, før han vendte tilbage til Europa og sluttede sig til Bologna-holdet i 2022.
I sin tilbagekomst til Turkish Airlines EuroLeague noterede han sig for 8,8 point, 2,1 rebounds, 2,0 assists og 0,6 steals pr. kamp over de sidste to sæsoner.
Det er endnu uvist hvor næste destination bliver, men det bliver yderst spændende at følge. Maccabi Tel Aviv og Partizan Beograd skulle have et godt øje til den danske landsholdsspiller, skriver flere medier.
Iffe Lundberg siger følgende i sin afskedstale til Bologna-fansene:
“Dear people and fans of Bologna, thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. The amount of support you guys have shown me over the past two years has been nothing short of amazing, and I’m truly grateful for that. Throughout the ups and downs you always had my back, you kept cheering me on, you kept believing in me and I will always appreciate that!
I am very happy to have had the experience to live and play in Bologna, being able to feel the love for the game and for the team from the people, is definitely something that lives up to hype when I first heard about Basket City. Having experienced the Italian cuisine, weather and lifestyle is something that my family and I have really enjoyed.
I want to say thank you to the club, the coaches, all of the staff and most importantly to all of my teammates. You guys pushed me every single day to become a better version of myself, to become a better friend and a better teammate on and off the court. I love you guys, and I will always cherish all the good and bad moments that we shared together.
The time has come for our paths to go separate ways but I will always feel like a “Virtussini”. Thank you for everything!
Amarsi Ancora!”
Læser dagligt til finansøkonom, men har en stor kærlighed for basketball 🏀 I min fritid er jeg ansat som skribent for Fullcourt hvor jeg primært dækker europæisk basket.