En stor debat er blevet skabt omkring en episode i kampen mellem BC Aarhus og Hørsholm 79ers. Men hvad skete der egentligt, og hvad var grunden til at det skete? Bogdan Karaicic har i et interview med Fullcourt forklaret om episoden som blev yderligere intensiveret, da aarhusianerne højest uprofessionelt skrev kritisk, og omtalte Hørsholm træneren i kampreferatet på deres hjemmeside. Ikke nok med det blev kampreferatet angiveligt også sat op på Basketliganes hjemmeside.
I’m extremely surprised that there is a lot of negative and wrong things said about this game. And when I say wrong I really mean that we talk about wrong things. We should talk about why games in the Danish league was organized this way, who allowed it, and who organized it.
Ligger Bogdan Karaicic ud med at fortælle til Fullcourt for derved at vende sig mod episoden, hvor han samtidigt afslører hvordan selv dommerne synes at situationen var under dyb kritik.
I still can’t believe that a game in any league could be organized this way. It is just embarrassing for the whole sport of basketball in Denmark that we play games under these kind of circumstances. Players and coaches don’t deserve it, and neither do the referees. As one of themtold me during the game, after I told him that it is so hard coaching in a game like this : ‘’Yes this game is living hell!’’ I think he described it the best way, how the game was organized.
Efter kampen dukkede som nævnt et kampreferatet op hvor BC Aarhus vælger at smide stor kritik over på Hørsholm træneren. Begge dele er ifølge Nordsjællændernes cheftræner under dyb kritik.
Fra kampreferatet: “Afslutningsvis skal der lyde en stor kritik af Hørsholms træner, Bogdan Karaicic, der opførte sig utilstedeligt både under og efter kampen. Under kampen, hvor han svinede dommerbordet til og var mere i dialog med dommerne end sit eget hold. Efter kampen med diverse nedværdigende gestikuleren og bemærkninger. Det er ikke i orden.”
Unfortunately it is more important what I said and did, then who won and how the teams played. I can partly understand that, but I can’t accept it. I cannot accept that one club is writting those things about me on the official league webpage, and that the league publishes it and then deletes it. After all those things, people start calling me asking what I did since they read it on the so-called Abyhoj forum!
I was shocked. I still can’t believe that the biggest resource of information in Danish basketball comes from a gossip forum. I can’t believe that the league published an opinion of the person who wrote the game report based on his emotions, and not on professionalism and the truth about what really happened.
I simply can’t believe it.
Bogdan Karaicic synes at begge situationer er grænseoverskridende og har derfor bedt om en officiel undskyldning fra både klubben BC Aarhus men også selve ligaen, at de kunne finde på at offentligøre en sådan kampreferat, for derefter at slette det.
I actually sent a mail and asked the league and BC Arhus for an official apology. But nothing has happened. For me it is a just an unbelievable experience that they can do something like that.
And yes I did something that they didn’t like, and maybe it is immature but I m 28 years old so I still have time to get more mature, but what about them? Can they all get more mature since they are way older then me, and still did something like that?
I slutningen af kampen skulle Bogdan Karaicic ifølge kampreferatet have gestikuleret nedgørende og kommet med andre bemærkninger. Referatet oplyser intet andet, men Bogdan fortæller hvad der skete efter kampen var blevet afgjort.
I will tell you what I did. I went and hugged my close friend AG (Arnar Gudjonsson) after the game was over. Why did I d0 it? I did it because we both wanted Hørsholm 79ers to win that game. So I celebrated with him. We had our reasons to do it, and if that bothered them, I can understand that. They don’t like when people celebrate winning against their team. But don’t write that I did something extremely bad, when it wasn’t the case.AG used to be head coach of BC Arhus, so maybe that is why they didn’t like it, but he is not their coach any more and they know why, so why are they mad that we celebrated the victory together? He is my friend and he was happy for me, same as I was very happy for every game he won with that team. Even once they won against us I was glad he won.
Udover gestikuleringerne skulle Hørsholm træneren også have været efter dommerne og dommerbordet under hele kampen. Her kommer den ekstremt dårlige organisering inde i billedet der ifølge Bogdan Karaicic slet ikke var i orden.
About the referees. I spoke with them and I did speak with the judging table that’s true, but I did it since I needed all information that one coach needs to have by FIBA rules. Those informations weren’t visible on the scoreboard, on the time clock, no where. So you had to talk to the referees and the judging table so you can be informed about personal fouls, team fouls, shot clock, almost everything. It was as the referee said, “A living hell”. Only reason I’m sad is that the judging tabe in average age was 14 years old so they got very stressed and I’m sorry for that.
But I can say the biggest damage was what they did to me. I repeat, I asked them and the league to apologize. I asked to remove all negative posts with my name since they are simply not true.
Bogdan Karaicic bruger samtidig muligheden til at understrege at Dansk basket ikke har godt af at den største nyhedskilde for de fleste i landet er et forum, nemlig Aabyhøj Forum. Dette er i sig selv, som bekendt ikke en løgn, da langt de fleste basketelskere i landet bruger forumet som den bedste kilde.
Again even worse is it, that the biggest Danish basketball information resource is based on a gossip forum and posts that are comming from people without faces. It was the same thing after the Randers game when someone apparently on the same forum said that I got two technical fouls. Even people from my club asked me why I got two technical fouls, and they were thinking I couldn’t coach next game.
I can’t understand what good it brings to Danish basketball having this type of forum. But once this club makes a post about me like that, I can surely understand that they also can have a forum like this. Now it all makes sense.
Hørsholm træneren mener at man istedet for at snakke om nogle af Danmark store talenter ude i verden bruger alt for meget spildt tid på at diskutere en episode der burde blive overskygget af andre præstationer. Som altid er det de negative ting og ikke mindst rygter der bliver lagt mest fokus på.
I just think Danish basketball needs smart people, who are ready to work, and not to talk. There is huge talents in Denmark but things like this based on gossip and unprofessional attitude is what stops danish basketball to become what it can become.
I simply don’t get that gossip has a bigger influence than work. Same day when I apparently did something bad, Esben Reinholt scored 5 points in 11 minutes in on of the top European basketball leagues. Jonathan Gilling also had 7 points and 11 rebounds in 39 minutes for his college team. I think those two informations are more important for Danish basketball than if I celebrated a win with my friend or if I spoke with referees during the game.
For me that it is immature putting me in focus instead of putting those two young guys on all information resources in danish basketball. But look we have different ideas and aims.
Bogdan Karaicic stiller desuden spørgsmålet om at hvis han nu opførte sig umodent, hvorfor skulle folkene omkring klubben også opføre sig på samme måde?
If I did behave immature and they think that it’s not nice celebrating win with AG who used to be their head coach, then I apologize to them. Now I’m asking them to apologize to me for saying those words about me and also having some forum debate about me on very primitive way, as other people who visit that forum told me.
Afslutningsvis fortæller Bogdan Karaicic at han er kommet, for at hjælpe de unge talenter på vej imod større ting, og ikke for at tale om alt muligt andet. Han er kommet for at udvikle sine spillere, og for at give dem en god fremtid indenfor basketball.
I came here to help as much I can, and others took me as a easy target for making so much gossips around me and my coaching staff and my team.
I’m here to work as hard I can, not to talk . Philip Hertz, Joathan Gilling, Alexander Bak, Rasmus Stolbjerg, Zarko Jukic, Anders Skou, Alexander Andersen and other Danish kids are why I’m here, and I will help them, and help Danish basketball by working with them and developing them.
Gossip and non face opinions I’ll leave to people who don’t think about Danish basketball, but just about themselves. I wish them the best of luck in hiding behind the words and not acts.
They are just bad losers and I’m a easy target, as a temper coach with a different mentality and mindset who wants the best for their kids and Danish basketball.
Afslutter Bogdan Karaicic med at fortælle til Fullcourt inden den store kamp i aften, hvor Team FOG Næstved kommer på besøg.
Boba er sidens administrerende redaktør. Han startede som journalist for Fullcourt i oktober 2010 og er i dag en af sidens mest dedikerede medlemmer. Han har erfaring fra bla. tre Final Four turneringer i Europas bedste klubturnering EuroLeague, Eurobasket 2015, massevis af danske kampe og finaler, samt både europæiske klub- og landskampe. Han har selv spillet Basketball i mange år, og har fulgt sporten siden barnsben, hvilket ikke er overraskende, da han stammer fra den basketball-glade nation Serbien.